Astonishing Facts and Amazing Information About ConcreteAstonishing Facts and Amazing Information About Concrete

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Astonishing Facts and Amazing Information About Concrete

Do you want to learn about concrete? Do you want repair tips or design ideas? If so, you have come to the right place. Hi and welcome to my blog! My name is Ginny, and as a photographer, I am a very visual person. I always notice when concrete is cracked or blemished, and recently, I learned how to fix a few of those small issues on my own. I plan to share some of those tips in this blog. I also plan to write about acid staining concrete, stamping and other interesting ideas. If you own a home or a business and you are thinking about updating your concrete, I invite you to take a look at my posts. Thank you for reading!

Five Ideas for Adding a Patina to a Sheet of Steel

If you have a sheet of steel and you want to add a patina to it, you can wait for years as oxygen interacts with the metal and creates a patina, or you can attempt to create your own patina. There are a range of ideas that can help. Check out these possibilities: 1. Decorative metallic paint Rather than waiting for a patina to occur naturally, you can create the look of a patina using decorative metallic paint. Read More 

How to Choose and Work With Concrete Cutting Blades

When cutting through some concrete at home, whether that's a basement wall or your driveway that needs repairs, you need to choose the right cutting blades and then also know how to use them properly. Concrete is not like wood or any other material, so you need to ensure you opt for concrete cutting blades in particular and then also know how each one is used when making the cut. This will help you avoid damaging the blade. Read More